Sunday, April 12, 2009

Baby Animal Days

After our big Easter egg hunt, we went to Baby Animal Days at Heritage Farm. Kate loves animals so much so for her this was as good as Disneyland. She got to ride a pony, hold baby chicks and bunnies, pet baby goats, pigs, calfs, and just run around like a crazy girl. They also had oxen, I'm pretty sure they weren't babies because they were HUGE!


Camille said...

Lucky duck! We LOVE baby animal days!!! We missed out last year and this year because it's over Spring Break and we ditched Logan. :( Last year we lucked out and were able to go to a mini baby animal days. It wasn't nearly as good, but the kids still loved it.

Shirley said...

Katelyn looks like she's having a ball with all those animals. She's in her element with all those baby animals and riding the pony is just a bonus! Love you guys!

Michael and Bridget said...

It looks like you guys, Katie especially had a good time with all of the baby animals.